General Information
Ready to Admission?
We hope to meet you soon
The medium of instruction in all classes is English. However, the LPC lays great emphasis on the learning and teaching of Hindi and has made it a compulsory subject for all the students till class X.
The LPC has a co-educational system. The seats in each class are limited and registration / admission to various classes is done on the basis of the candidates performance in the admission test and interview.
The LPC has a prescribed uniform for all children and it is available with the authorized uniform suppliers.
Registration and admission shall be made on forms available from the School Office.
Prior registration is a precondition for admission (registration fee is non-transferable and non-refundable). For registration of a child to LPC Nursery class, original birth certificate of the child from the Municipal authorities should be enclosed with the form. No affidavit will be accepted as proof of the child’s age.
For registration and admission to classes KG and above the original Transfer Certificate from the school last attended is required to be submitted within 30 days from the date of confirmation of admission. In case of a child still studying in a school and seeking admission in LPC is required to submit his certificate from the Principal of the School stating the childs date of birth, the class he is studying in and the year. However, if this formality is not completed within thirty days from the date of confirmation, the admission shall stand cancelled.

In case of a child’s withdrawal in the mid-academic session a month’s notice is essential. The month shall be deemed from the first to the end or part of any month thereof.
Students who attend the school even for one day in April and are withdrawn for any reason will have to pay full fees upto September regardless of whether they take the T.C. or not (full fees includes all types of school charges and the tuition fees).
The LPC discourages any kind of concession in fees.
School fees and other charges must be paid in cash in advance at the school counter in quarterly installments by the 10th of April, July, October and January.
A prescribed fine shall be charged on late payment of fees, i.e. if it is paid after the 10th of the months specified in (xii). The name of the child will be struck off the roll if all the dues are not cleared by the last working day of that month. The children may, however, be re-enrolled on paying re-admission fees along with the arrears standing against the child.
In no case will the late payment fine or the re-admission be excused.
No deduction in any of the school charges will be allowed for holidays or the vacations.