Food & Health
The LPC has discovered that the so called tiffin boxes in use contain incomplete and/or unbalanced meals. The school, therefore, provides fruits, biscuits at 10:00 a.m., a five course vegetarian lunch in the afternoon and milk/porridge at 4:00 p.m. so that the children have a sound mind in a sound body. These meals are balanced according to the nutrition and calories required by the child. The meals are prepared under the supervision of an experienced catering manager who scrutinizes all food items before selection. The school envisages that with the co-operation of parents, it can inculcate good eating habits in the students since the students and teachers including the head of the institution share the meal at the same table. The LPC child of standard four (8+years) unconsciously learns table manners unknown even to many graduates. Parents/guardians are requested not to give money to their wards so that the institutions will be successful in preventing the students from consuming unhygienic stuff.

Periodical medical check-ups which are necessary for the child’s physical development, form part of the school activity to ascertain proper growth and health. A medical officer carries out these check-ups once in every three months. In case of any emergency the LPC has set up a well equipped infirmary.