Examinations & Promotion


For the academic year which has commenced from 20th March 2024 the examination policy will be as follows:-

For Classes Nursey to V

There are no examinations from classes Nursery to V. In order to assess the comprehensive ability of the students,regular tests are held of 25 marks in all subjects in the months of July, September, December & February each summing upto 100 at the end of session.

For Classes VI and VII

Periodic tests contribute 10 marks and note book submission, subject enrichment activities contribute 10 marks. Thus total of 20 marks are added to Half Yearly examination from Periodic Test 1 and to Final Examination from Periodic Test 2 to make a cumulative total of 100. It is compulsory to secure 40% marks in every subject in the Final Examination to be promoted to the next class.

For Classes VIII and IX

During the academic year there will be four examinations – Prequarterly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Final examination. The three examinations in the month of July, September and December will carry 20% weightage each, whereas the final examination of 40% weightage, will be summed up for making the final result of 100 marks. It is essential to score 40% aggregate in every subject to be promoted to the next class.


During the Academic year there will be a periodic test and three Examinations, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Final Examination in the months of September, December and February. The Examination of September and December will carry 20% weightage each, whereas the Final Examination in February will carry 60% weightage. The two examinations of 20% weightage each and Final Examination of 60% weightage will be summed up for making the final result out of 100 marks. It is essential to score 40% aggregate in every subject to be promoted to the next class.


During the academic year there will be Four Examinations Pre Quarterly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Pre-Board Examination & 2 Unit Tests for XII. These examinations will be conducted in the months of July, September, December, January and the Board Examination as per schedule from the Board.

Class X (ICSE) and XII (ISC) all the subjects will have components for Internal Assessment on the basis of assignments/ project work, practicals and viva. These will be added to component of The Board Examination set and Conducted by the Council.

The Pre-Board Examination will be conducted in the month of January. It is essential for all the students to pass the Pre-Board to appear in the Board Examination in February.

It is compulsory to pass the school conducted Pre-boards to appear in the board examination and a minimum attendance of 75%.

No student is allowed to carry his/her report card home. The parents are required to personally see and sign the card when they attend the parent teacher meeting at the end of each examination.

The report cards of every child will be kept in their personal files as long as he remains a student of the school. In this way we are able to maintain a complete record of the child’s performance over the years. This system has been greatly appreciated by the board.

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