We all know that kids are introduced to primary education to learn & understand the education ecosystem before getting exposed to competitive higher education. Our search to find out the best pre schools in lucknow starts from here.
The concept of pre-schools was a much needed appetite for every child to take the most crucial first step into the education world. However it is really very difficult for parents to admit their child at such a young & tender age but doing so they are not only exposing their child to the outside world but also creating a rockstone foundation of life-learning skills which will help them become successful human beings in the future.
Pre schools here play a vital role in nurturing & developing the interest & passion in education through various enjoyable & interactive methods. Exploring the best pre schools in Lucknow involves taking a detailed tour of important features & amenities & also understanding the importance of preschool education.
Definition of Pre Schools in Lucknow Education
Before we get started with the importance of preschool, let’s understand its definition. A preschool is originally a pre primary educational institution where kids are introduced to the basics of education in the most enthusiastic manner. In India the pre primary education starts from 1.5 to 3 years. It is the first stepping stone of the child when he moves out of his home away from his/her mothers’ lap in a beautiful classroom full of interactive toys & fun-filled activities. Preschool strongly focuses on early childhood care & education which develops social & emotional skills. It is highly recommended to take into consideration all the various aspects before choosing the best pre schools in lucknow.
Why LPC Jopling Road is Best Pre schools in Lucknow
LPC Jopling Road which is one of the finest ICSE schools in Lucknow has been recognised as one of the best pre schools in Lucknow due to its most researched & modern teaching methodologies.
At LPC Jopling Road we understand the importance of every child’s initial days at school & the art of creating pre primary education more fascinating & interesting. Not only education but every child’s social, emotional & personal growth & development are the key objectives & focus areas. Our highly trained teachers provide the most ideal environment with love & care for the kids with research based fun-filled activities that stimulate the curiosity of exploring & learning thus nurturing early childhood.
LPC Jopling Road offers an exceptional learning experience which strives for a strong foundation of academic & life skills growth. Children develop effective communication skills at a very early age through regular interaction with the teachers & getting involved in various activities which involves not only the in classroom projects like art, craft, role plays but also outdoor activities like running, climbing, jumping, sliding which help in developing physical coordination skills.
The seeds of strong discipline, love & empathy for fellow mates & art of helping others are sown at this stage which stays lifelong with these kids & transforms them into better individuals in the society. Thus making them future ready & keeping the pace to become the most successful students of one of the best ICSE schools in Lucknow.
Smart Classes at LPC Jopling Road
At LPC Jopling Road we treat every student as a gem & rising star. With the use of latest Smart classes, our children enjoy more engaging content through audio & visual aids which makes their learning more effective & interactive. Presenting some of the various benefits of smart classes:-
- Engaging Learning with latest multimedia content
- Interactive sessions with problem solving display features
- Easy sharing of online notes by teachers to children
- Access to several E-tools like ebooks, online videos etc
- Enhanced learning environment & experience
- Encouraging participation of every child
- Developing Critical & Analytical skills
- Perfect balance between creativity & innovation
- Hands on learning experience makes children future ready
- Increases efficiency of teachers & saves time
Importance of Pre Schools in Lucknow Education

1. Social Skills & Emotional Development-
No doubt a kid learns the art of speaking & communicating with their parents from home but admitting to a preschool will allow exposure & continuous interaction with his /her classmates who are of the same age but have different skills & abilities. This will definitely help in shaping a child’s behavior in understanding the social relationships & communicating effectively with society. Observing other children, understanding their actions, listening to their thoughts & languages & responding to them fosters healthy social & emotional development at this tender age & gets sculptured throughout their lives.
2. Language Skills-
Research says that kids at preschool are fast learners & develop language skills quickly as they are exposed to rich language based environments. Teachers help them to enhance their communication skills by asking questions which create curiosity & a zeal to participate in. Exposure through acts & role plays, reading sessions, participating in classroom activities, stories, singing rhymes etc strengthens children’s vocabulary & increases their language skills.
3. Creativity-
Kids are always ready with a bundle of questions. When exposed to a place full of interactive things & fun filled activities, they love to explore the environment & ask questions. These questions result in creativity & imagination which is a significant part of early life development. Art, craft, music, dance, plays, playground activities all play a vital role in developing creativity in their childhood.
4. Personality Development-
Keeping in mind several researches done on children, approximately 80-90% of the brain development happens at this early stage. With preschool providing a healthy, fun learning environment to these kids & nurturing the young buds with various interactive methods of teaching, their brain development starts at a fast pace which helps them in overall personality development.
5. Cognitive Skills Development-
A superior early childhood education & learning experience develop cognitive & social skills in the children. With a wide range of interactive activities, learn with fun games, participative programs encourage children to ask questions & explore new things. These behavioral skills are the stepping stones to these future leaders as generally these activities are not easy to perform at home.
6. Motor control & skills-
Motor control or motor skills are generally the task of voluntarily moving the parts of the body to perform a given task. Most doctors across the world promote healthy development of motor skills at a very early age in children. These skills help them throughout their lives. Running, skipping, throwing, hand & legs movement during dance or rhymes, jumping ropes, running at different speed modes, climbing in different directions, identifying different sizes & shapes, judging heights & distances, pushing or pulling objects, gripping & releasing articles, pedaling toys etc encourage children to develop motor skills. These regular activities help children challenge themselves & polish their skills for a long period of time.
7. Art of becoming Independent-
One of the biggest benefits of preschool education is the development of a sense of individuality. Through various activities, children enjoy making their choices from the different options. They feel independent to express their thoughts and interests with their peers & teachers which make them self confident & create a healthy space for effective communication.
8. Appreciation & Celebration-
As these kids start their journey of exploring new things at this tender age, they create several raw inventions & reach new heights of achievement. Recognising their efforts & appreciating them on their tiny yet big accomplishments make them motivated to further perform well in their lives.
9. Decision Making Skills-
As preschools are loaded with several fun & learn activities & toys, children while performing these activities are independent to decide on their own which helps them in developing Decision making skills. Moreover this also helps them in boosting their analytical skills.
10. Building Trust relationships with adults–
As these young buds spend most of their time with trained teachers & other staff members & observe their actions, behavior, activities performances etc, they build a strong relationship with these adults which helps them in their personal growth & also makes them confident while communicating with others.
LPC is the best pre schools in Lucknow for your kids. Come & experience a whole new world of limitless possibilities.